$3,000 to win Late Models

For more information on this event go to https://www.florencespeedway.com/schedule/ and click on the event. 

All seats are General Admission(No Reserved Seats). To purchase General Admission tickets, select the quantity and select "Add to Cart" for each ticket type desired. Then click "Checkout" 

After completing your order, your tickets will be emailed to you. At the bottom of the email, your tickets will be attached. You can print those tickets out, or, have the tickets on your smart phone screen, and go directly to any spectator gate. 

To see a facility layout map, go to: https://www.florencespeedway.com/weekly-facility-map/

To get answers to Frequently Asked Questions, go to: https://www.florencespeedway.com/fans/frequently-asked-questions/

NOTE: Tickets can be scanned for entry one time only per event day. It is your responsibility to secure your tickets including any physical or digital copies. Once a ticket has been used for entry, additional entries for that same ticket will not be allowed regardless of name on order or possession of tickets. 

Kids(0-12) are Free and do not need tickets unless otherwise noted.

All orders will be charged a 5% service fee. 

In the event of a cancellation or other circumstances that result in a refund, the service fee is not refundable. 

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Ticket Prices
($5.00 – $18.00)


Purchase Tickets

 Saturday Jul 13, 2024 7:00 pm
Sales Closed

Florence Speedway GA

12234 US-42
Walton, KY 41094